Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Observational Learning - Amsterdam

Early Monday morning (14/9/2015) the Beep Beep team embarked on a trip to Amsterdam.  The elements were bad as it was raining all morning.  We conclude we need a second trip in the afternoon to collect even more data.
However we were still able to observe and talk to people about their parking habits and concerns.  In fact, it turned out that people were more than willing to share their experiences.

Here are our specific recordings:

1.       Green car: 15+ mins. Drove around many blocks. Said the app would be really helpful. (age range?) Took pic of parked car.

2.       Guy in unofficial parking spot. It’s hard to find a spot, and on top you have to pay for it. Wasn’t very convinced with the app because “you still have to pay”. Older (40-50 age)

3.       Parking meter guy: looking for parking can take up to 15 – 20 mins, sometimes more. An app would be helpful (age range?)

4.       A lot of taxis (über?) around hotels, picking up guests, parking in unofficial places. Opportunity?

5.       2 guys struggled with using the meter.

6.       A lot of maintenance and delivery vans parking in sidewalk (30 to 40). Do they do it to save money? Time? Space? Most trucks and big vans don’t fit in the spaces anyways

7.       Radisson Hotel charges $5,50 for a parking spot, no valet. Street parking is $5

8.       Most people using the parking were locals (observed about 100 cars passing by, seemingly searching for parking).  Perhaps 2/3 had a very anxious look and seemed to turn at each intersection in hopes of something better.  Others were laid back as if there were no worries in the world.

9.       The crazy parking hours are during afternoon, when people come back from their jobs, and weekends

10.   Fedex guy: was parked on the sidewalk. He doesn’t pay for parking tickets, his boss does. Obviously doesn’t pay for parking. App would be useful. (25-30 years)

11.   Blond guy: spent 30 minutes looking for parking, says it’s always a problem. He would absolutely use the app. He uses the park mobile app to pay for parking spots. Took pic of parked car. (25-30 years)

General observations:

1.       Younger people are more enthusiastic about the app

2.       We didn’t find women parking.

3.       Need to look into parkmobile.com.

4.       Most spots in the city were taken.

5.       Garages exist, but hidden and usually associated with hotel.

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